Support Center Items |
Where can I find information about Tuning Shop and Dealer Packages? |
You can find more information about Tuning Shop and Dealer packages on the Tuning Shop page, or by clicking on the 'Tuners' button at the top of the Woolich Racing website.
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How to request a Bin File Key Transfer using the ECU VIN |
Bin File Definition Keys are a kind of license that allows a Woolich Racing account to communicate (read/write, etc) with a specific ECU. These keys are locked to the account that originally purchased them and then flashed the ECU.
A one-time Key Transfer is available to transfer the key to a new tuner. This is allowed so a private owner can either tune themselves or can take the bike to a professional tuner who also has a Woolich Racing account. This one-time transfer can also be used when selling an ECU (ie. as part of a complete bike) which has already has a bin file key allocated to it.
This article refers specifically to ECUs which have the VIN recorded and do not have any supported 'Read ECU' capability in the WRT software. These models have the bin file key associated with the bike's VIN when they are first written to, to request a bin file key transfer on these models you will need to read the VIN using the WRT software, Open a Support Ticket and and attach a screenshot showing the VIN as described below.
When you view the ECU part number in the Model Selector window of the WRT software you can find some information under 'Bin File Details' as shown below. In the example below we have selected a bin file for a 2020 Yamaha YZF-R1, the key type is shown as 'VIN bin file key'. This ECU cannot be read out but stilll has a bin file key recorded and associated with the bike's VIN.
If your ECU part number shows a 'Read ECU' button in the WRT software please do not use the method described below, instead please see the instructions here: How to request a Bin File Key Transfer.
- Ensure that the computer running the Woolich Racing Tuned software is connected to the internet.
- Connect the harness to the ECU
- On-bike harness needs to be installed as per the User Guides
- Bench harness needs to be connected to ECU and powered using a 12V power supply
- Connect the communication interface (eg. Log Box or USB) to the ECU using the appropriate harness
- Connect the communication interface to the computer using the provided USB cable
- Turn on the 12V power to the ECU
- Switch on the ignition if using an on-bike harness
- Turn on 12V power supply if using a bench harness
- Start the Woolich Racing Tuned software and click on the 'New' button
- Select the Manufacturer (1), Model (2), Year (3) and ECU Part Number (4) for the ECU you wish to read the VIN from as per the screenshot below. Click on 'New' (5) to open the bin file

You will already need to have access to this bin file definition in order to open the file. If not you will need to purchase a Key for this definition, or allocate a bulk Key to unlock it in the software. The key can be returned once the transfer is completed. (NOTE: Returning the first Key only applies to Keyed Definitions. Keys used to unlock an Unlimited Definition, can not be returned, as your account is gaining the ability to flash unlimited ECU's)
- In the WRT software select Tools > Read VIN as shown below for a 2024 Yamaha MT-09:
- The VIN will be read out from the ECU and displayed on screen as shown below.
- Please take a screenshot of the VIN readout as shown above and paste it into a new Support Ticket requesting a Bin File Key Transfer.
Hint: You can take a screenshot in Windows 10 or 11 by pressing 'Shift + Windows + S'.
Note: Do not attempt to write to the ECU until after you have received confirmation that the Transfer has been approved, or you will write over the top of the current flash, using one of your own Keys.
Please reply back to your support ticket once you have requested the transfer, and we will let you know if it is eligible to be transferred.
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What support can you offer me? |
Woolich Racing provides support to our customers in a number of ways.
- Our dedicated Support Center has a wealth of information on a wide range of topics and has answers to the most commonly asked questions. This is a great place to start to find information on everything concerned with Woolich Racing.
- Our User Guides and Installation Manuals are available for any of the products that you have purchased
- We have a number of Video Tutorials on most topics, especially on the WRT software as well as installation
- The Woolich Racing YouTube channel covers a wide range of support topics
- If you are having difficulties using the WRT software to communicate with your ECU the Troubleshooting Checklist could be very useful for you
- If the above support resources have not answered your questions, please contact our own specialized staff via the Support Ticket system.
Watch the video below see to a full overview of the support options offered by Woolich Racing.
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Woolich Racing Foundations Course (free) |
This course is designed as an introduction to the foundations and fundamentals of the Woolich Racing Ecosystem. It will guide you in the basics of how to lookup ECU part numbers, check harnesses, and general guidelines for using the Woolich Racing equipment and software.
The course can be completed in stages, so you won't need to do it all in one sitting, and you can work your way through it at your own pace. Upon successful completion of the training course, you will receive a Certificate of Graduation for the Woolich Racing Foundations Course, that you can download and print out, to proudly display.
If you have been personally selected to complete the training course, we ask that you complete it to the best of your ability, as you will need a passing grade to obtain your Certificate of Graduation.
We have also released a paid Professional Training course (find link below) which was designed for professional Tuning Shops, and provides certification for Tuning Shops upon completion.
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Woolich Racing Tuned Professional Training Course |
This course is designed as a follow-on to the Foundations Course and is aimed at tuning professionals who want to get the most out of the Woolich Racing product ranges.
Our Woolich Racing Tuned Professional course is our second training course which has been designed specifically for tuning shops and dealers who want to use our products to provide custom ECU flashes, and additional products and services to their customers.
The course can be completed in stages, so you do not need to do it all in one sitting, and you can complete it at your own pace. The course content will still be accessible even after you complete the course.
At the completion of this course you will receive a course completion certificate and we will be offering recognition for your tuning shop. (More details on this can be found in the first lesson of the course.)
More courses will be added in time, to cover specific advanced and technical topics.
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How many computers can I use my WRT account on? |
You are able to use your WRT account on a maximum of 3 computers at the same time.
Your computer count will increase if you install the WRT software onto another PC. If you upgrade your PC to a newer version of Windows, such as Win10 or Win11, this may also count as a 'new' computer by the software.
The account will be auto-locked if you attempt to use the software on more than 3 computers.
If you are no longer using the WRT Software on one of your PC's, it is recommended that you uninstall the software, to avoid your computer count increasing again, and your account being auto-locked.
Please contact us with your account details if this happens as we are able to remove computers from your account.
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Do I need to Login to the Woolich Racing Tuned (WRT) software each time I open it? |
You will need to login to the Woolich Racing Tuned software when you initially download and install the software. This login is the same one that you use to access the Woolich Racing website. When you first login you will also be required to read through our Software Licence Agreement and then click 'I Agree' in ordeto complete the login process.
You typically do not need to login each time you open the software, but you may be periodically asked to login after a software update.
If you choose the Account menu > Logout option, then you will need to login the next time you start the WRT software.
When logging out, all stock bin files are removed, and when you start the software again, and login, you will need to re-download them to the software.
To download Bin Files and Keys after logging out, and back in, you need to click: Account menu > Download Bin File Definitions, and Account menu > Download Keys.
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What is the difference between the USB Interface and the Log Box Interface? |
The Woolich Racing Tuned software which runs on a computer communicates with the ECU using an electronic interface. There are two types of Woolich Racing interfaces currently available for sale; a USB v3 interface, and a Log Box v3 interface.
USB v3 interface
Log Box v3 interface
A USB interface allows you to read and write to an ECU, access diagnostics (for bin files which have it available) and view some live engine data. The USB interfaces are not compatible with some of the newer models. Please check the products page for a model to determine which interfaces are supported. A Log Box interface can do everything that a USB can, and also allow you to record engine data while running the bike and log AFR (Air-fuel ratio) data when used together with the Zeitronix ZT-3/ZT-4 wideband sensor kit (model dependent). These additional features on the Log Box also allow you to use our Woolich Racing AutoTune feature in the WRT software. The letter on the interface denotes what ECU type it is capable of flashing. - B: Bosch ECU's
- D: Denso ECU's
- D-CAN: Denso ECU's using CAN Bus protocols
- K: Keihin ECU's
- M: Mitsubishi ECU's
- M-Duc: Mitsubishi-Ducati ECU's
- H: Harley Davidson ECU's (only for approved tuning shops)
Note: Engine Data is not available for all models.
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How to Purchase Bulk Bin File Definition Keys |
Woolich Racing uses Bin File Definition Keys to license users to read/write to a specific ECU with the Woolich Racing Tuned software. These keys are typically purchased for a specific make/model/year of motorcycle and can then only be used for that specific bike.
An alternative to purchasing individual pre-allocated keys is to purchase bulk keys, which are not allocated for any specific bike model. The advantages are discounted pricing at the time of purchase as well as the flexibility to use these keys for different bikes, and to decide at a later date which make/model/year to allocate them to.
In the video below we will guide you on how to purchase and allocate bulk keys.
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What Bin File Definitions are free with the WRT software? |
Bin File Definition Keys, or more commonly just called ‘keys’ are the licenses that are purchased and used to flash an ECU. A license used on an ECU grants unlimited flashing to that specific individual ECU. Unlike some other flashing companies, we have a large amount of ECUs that are either free and allow for unlimited flashing or they are able to be purchased once and then are free and unlimited after that.
100% Free to flash forever (included with purchase): - 2002-2020 Suzuki GSX-1300R (Hayabusa)
- 2007-2011 Suzuki GSXR 1000
- 2008-2020 Suzuki GSXR 750
- 2008-2020 Suzuki GSXR 600
- 2007-2012 Suzuki GSX-1300BK (B-King)
One-time purchase, then unlimited flashing: - 2005-2006 Suzuki GSXR 1000
- 2006-2007 Suzuki GSXR 750
- 2004-2005 Suzuki GSXR 750
- 2006-2007 Suzuki GSXR 600
- 2004-2005 Suzuki GSXR 600
- 2005-2008 Suzuki SV 1000
- 2012-2014 Yamaha R1
- 2009-2011 Yamaha R1
- 2007-2008 Yamaha R1
- 2012-2016 Yamaha R6
- 2008-2011 Yamaha R6
- 2006-2007 Yamaha R6
Anything not shown in the above list requires one key for each individual ECU flashed. These keys are what let you flash an individual ECU as many times as you want. Typically, how shops approach this is they charge a flat fee for ECU tuning to cover their cost of the key as well as what they feel their work is worth. This would be in addition to the cost of the harness and dyno tuning time if tuning on the dyno is part of your service. This way, the customer’s ECU is tied to the tuner's account so if they ever need any changes in the future, they can bring their bike/ECU back to you and you’re familiar with everything, and you already have their map files saved. Bulk keys: Tuning shops can purchase Bulk Keys at a discounted rate. These keys are in a generic non-assigned state so they don’t have to worry about what to use them on at the time of purchase. They can then be assigned them to a specific model once the need arises. Additionally, these discounted files can be used on the models above that are a one-time purchase (unlimited models) further adding to the value of those models. (These discounted bulk keys cannot be allocated to race kit ECUs like EM Pro, KRT, HRC or YEC). These Support Center articles may also be of interest to you:
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How do I purchase Bin File Definitions for use within the WRT software? |
Every ECU has information that is used to control the vehicle, this information is saved in a binary or 'bin' file. In order to read or write to an ECU we need to know how the information is stored and this information is contained in a Bin File Definition. Bin File Definitions are made available by Woolich Racing for all supported models.
The video below and the information provided in this page provides an overview of the Bin File Definition purchase and download process.
There are a few different ways that you can purchase Bin File Definitions for use within the WRT software: - Purchase as part of a package with an USB Interface/Log Box, Harness and USB Cable from within the Products Page.
- Purchase Bin File Definitions as a single item from within the Products Page.
- Purchase a set of Bulk Keys a discounted rate, which you can allocate to a bin file definition later.
To access the Bin File Definitions through the first two methods, please click on the make and model of the bike you’re interested in. The package (1) should be at the top of the list of products, while the Bin File Definition (2) as a single item is listed further down the page. To purchase simply click the ‘Buy Now’ button and continue through the check-out process.
For the third method, please refer to our article on how to Purchase Bulk Bin File Definition Keys. If you purchase the Definition/Key using the same email as your account, your products will automatically apply to your account and will be available straight away. If you have purchased under a different email, you will need to contact us to have it allocated to the correct account manually.
We are regularly adding support for new bike models in the Woolich Racing Tuned software. To be notified when these products are listed, please subscribe to our email updates to be notified when this occurs.
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How do I gain access to Bin File Definitions I have purchased for the Woolich Racing Tuned software? |
Once you have purchased Bin File Definitions for a bike model from our Product Page, the bin file
definitions will be allocated to your Woolich Racing Tuned account with the same email address that you used to pay for the Bin File Definitions on
The next time you open the Woolich Racing Tuned software, go to the Account menu within the software, and click 'Download Bin File Definitions' and allow the process to complete (see screenshot below). This may take a few minutes and the status is shown on the bottom of the window. 
After this has completed go to the Account menu and select 'Download Keys' and allow this process to complete. All of the free and purchased Bin Files will automatically be download to your PC ready to use.
You can open each of them by selecting the File menu, then select New menu item, or click the large NEW button on the main menu. Select the bike Model/Year/ECU Part Number from the lists and click the New button to create a new stock bin file for the Bike Model.
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